~Artistic quirks
My greatest passion is and always has been magic. Creating moments of boundless inspiration is what I consider to be magic, and I live it every day!
I am also very spiritual, and a writer. I'm a Reiki (energetic healing) master. I'm also a a very avid poet. Check out my journal for some of my poetry, and my rewards section for other descriptions of me

I am a very active person. I love hiking, and enjoy playing any sport. I dance like an idiot, and I also practice quite a few juggling arts. Including: Poi, myachi, meteors, rope dart, juggling, and a little contact juggling. And then I just began sailing again, I joined the community boating club and go out quite a bit.
On a quick musical side note, I love music. Both listening to and playing it. I drum, play the didgeridoo, and the harmonica.
All of the things I've listed so far are fairly solid and old in my life... the new things in my life are that I'm working on learning to be a story teller, I recently began drawing abstract pictures with a glass calligraphy pen and ink, and I'm beginning to learn to mime a lot more! I have an imaginary hamster pet I pull out on occasion and play with. I'm really a child in an adults body.
~My present to the future (however time is relative)
I have an extreme passion for education, I am a magician and a lover of all things magical from slight of hand to friendship. I'm going to John Robert Powers modeling and acting school here in Boston, and the Magic and Mystery school out in Las Vegas. Also I am an entrepreneur, and a small time investor.
In terms of my past, I was home schooled my entire life. My dad is a hypnotherapist, and my mom is a professional investor. They were and are truly