Raretype23, 39

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Eugene, OR, USA

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Hey...my other human friends call me Dez. My pets call me human too so guess I am Dez Human...LOL! I have been listening to Coast to Coast AM for well over half my life since I was 14. Ive always had a curiousity for things otherworldly and outerwordly so I was naturally drawn to the program. Of my favorite subjects into the paranormal I am into the deeper studies into the mind a tapping into its hidden potential and unlocking secret abilities. I have a darker fascination for the more macabre...EVPs, Perfect possesion, Crypto, ParaPsychology, and of course the many conspiracies.

The name RareOne23 reflects on my constant studies into the origins of my rare blood type. Many theories and hypothesis surround the mystery but nothings came together to form one conclusive finding.

I dabble in a variety of beliefs(not religions) to draw upon inspiration for following my own lath in life. I feel theres some truth in all faiths so I gather from each some wisdom and knowledge to guide me through life. I dont adhere to anything in specific however I am quite spiritual in my walk here on Earth.

Well I hope to find someone that is open minded which is an absolute must because I often will find random bits of info on things and will passionately discuss them with fervor. I enjoy lots about life I guess it could be called the simple things but I call it immersimg myself in this human experience while I inhabit this fleshy vessel. I thirst for knowledge inany things and like man who is the same and never wants to stop being a student of the universe. Im also rather nerdy but I find its a general concensus among us. Well check me out if youd like to chat. Thank you bunches.
About Me
Gender Female
Orientation Straight
Height 5'08"
Weight 180 lbs
Orientation straight
Gender Female

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