Eddieredd, 45

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Dallas, TX, USA

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rabbi rymes
rabbi rymes my name is eddie redd iam interested in chi kung tai chi some psychic development and protection . iam currently looking into spirit releasement therapy. iam interested in energy development ,exorcisms ,power of god .what iam seeking is some one who knows about the darkerside how to protect against it and I like to hear stories of people who have ever been entangled with the ocult demons mind control cults and how they got out . I have personally been in those situations and their not easy to get out of . christian deliverance ministry and well meaning charismatic preachers either do nothing or make the problem worse . so far the best solutions have been from the ocult itself and a better understanding of the unseen world . I have found most churches understanding of the issue to be superfiscal and shallow when confronting such issues . if anyone has ever been involved with black magic or ocult things and have found a solution to getting clear from its influences I would like to meet that person . I have personally have worked with angels in my ocult experience and have met various negative entities . I have practiced forms of christainity and buddhism and fundamental ocult dabblings . I now practice a form of christianity with native american spirituality . iam well versed in the holy books of the world and familiar with most world religions I have alot of bible knowledge and knowledge of the tao te ching . iam gifted in devination though I dont use it . iam also a gifted poet and though I shouldnt have anything to do with it I have a liking for hypnosis and hypnotic states . as far as paranormal experiences I have met two angels been under hypnosis many times . I have been on the astral plane have had a possesion experience i have been married to an entity at one point and time . I have sent a spirit to the light but not sure how I did it wondering if I could do it again . have had visions of jesus that where very benifiscal and expecting more . believe inprayer
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Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Height 5'11"
Weight 260 lbs
Orientation straight
Gender Male

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