since i got proof that paranormal is possible, i like looking into old religions which focus on aliens eg. sumerians. i consider myself a believer in god, but still like to call that atheist. i believe there is an underlying science to all "paranormal" activity. i think everybody goes to heaven, no matter what. god/satan without a doubt work in mysterious like ghosts etc.
like movies which are paranormal/godlike in their meaning eg. spotless mind jim carreys thing cant remember exact name right now. vanilla sky. the matrix. the ring. dogma is soo funny too lol.
got a really diverse taste in music. i pay for spotify, thats how much i love music!

feel free to get in touch and skype with me if you need somebody new to hang out with. im open to friendship/short term dating/online dating..whatever. just wanna help as many people as possible be happy! i know i can do that, partly with the proof i can show you, partly coz im such a nice guy (if i must say so myself lol). just love helpin the world in as many ways as possible. charity work, awareness of importance of young teen/student work ethic and how much schools/universities look over basic disciplinary action etc etc.
studyin comp sci at uni at the moment. recently made a venture back into education. got a successful buisness on the side aswell though. things are getting tougher so not sure if its viable long term. probably will be okay, but always been into geeky stuff like computers anyway. im not really a geek at heart though! even though my knowledge may suggest otherwise.
anyway i typed this while lying down and didn't proof read, and its all sort of rambly. if you care that much, tell me, and ill make an effort to speak properly.
I'm known for switching into a much more professional manner of typing when somebody shows a disliking for slang, and incorrect grammar. I personally don't care much though.
Be well.